My concerts, workshops
6. Oct. 2018. Budapest Ritmo
with Muzsikás, Muzykanci (PL), Berecz István
7pm Budapest, Akvárium
21. Oct 2018. Taipei World Music Festival
7pm Taipei, Taiwan
with Muzsikás and Beecz István
23. Oct 2018 Hong Kong
Hungarian Excellence with Knack Cordial Folk Group (Hong Kong), Muzsikás, Berecz István
7:45pm Shouson Theatre, Art Center, Hong Kong
11. Nov 2018 Héttorony Fesztivál
"Fly Bird", Muzsikás and Hanga, with Berecz István
6pm Szigetvár, Vigadó
28. Dec 2018 Muzsikás Chrismas
7:30pm Palace of Arts, Budapest
with: Folks of Bengal (India)